April 2, 2020

How support teams are adjusting to remote work

Jen Ong Vaughan

Last week, we shared tips for how support teams have stayed connected while fully remote. In this post, we focus on people management — tips to help your team members cope while keeping the team effective.

Visibility allows you to keep the team accountable

When you don’t see each other everyday, it’s important to have a clear process and system for keeping track of your team’s activities.

"Set clear expectations and make sure you have a system for ensuring people are doing the right things at the right time. For example, we assign someone each day to manage the operations. This includes being a point person to field issues and questions, providing direction for support teams, and doing some real time coordinating with schedules. I also like to make sure that my team members are marking themselves in the correct status in our call platforms. This helps us ensure that we have the right number of people in the right place."



“We're leveraging real-time reporting in Assembled to stay on track throughout the day."

D2C Company (80 agents)

Check-in with team members proactively

Carve out more time in your day for longer 1:1s or async check-ins.

“We don't realize how much we check in IRL during a day in the office and what cues we pick up on in person just by seeing people. Some people aren’t comfortable sharing how they feel in team meetings and I DM them to check how they’re doing.”


“In 1:1s, I ask people what kind of support they need. Some of our folks are living their best lives remotely and need very little support, others are really missing the office environment and need more support.”


Keep your team in the loop with the wider company

Make sure your team is aware of what’s going on with the broader company and other teams outside the CX team

"Our Leadership Team sends us a gazette now every other day. I remind my team to read it regularly and would share updates from there in team meetings."


"We make sure to record our company All Hands or other department-wide meetings on Zoom. We then schedule a time for people who had to work channels during that time to watch the recording so that they are still up to speed."


Give team members time to adjust

Recognize that it’ll take time for team members to acclimate to working remote. We’ll share more tips specifically for support team members in our next blog post.

"Know that someone's first weeks WFH may be totally different than their second week. It's a big adjustment when it's not something you wanted to do."


"If you’re managing someone who has children, know that they have a lot to juggle with at the moment."



Have other tips for managing a remote team?

Tweet them at @assembledhq or email us at team@assembled.com. We’ll share your feedback in one of our future posts!

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