
Forecast for tomorrow with confidence

With Assembled, you get the benefit of sophisticated, configurable, and dynamic forecasting without needing a PhD or a dedicated analyst. Plus, our insights-based workflow helps you instantly right-size staffing and schedules.

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“We never had anything like Assembled’s forecasting. It's been super helpful for day-to-day staffing and long-term hiring.”
Breanne Mccormick Strategy, RO

Configure forecasts to mirror your business reality

Have it your way, whether it’s with our forecast models or yours. And as things change for your business, Assembled offers control and more configuration options to fine-tune your forecasts as required.

  • Use our accurate, out-of-the-box forecast models or import your own via API or CSV
  • Seasonality model that accounts unique patterns
  • Forecast by queue, channel, or site
  • Use AND/OR logic to create queues of any complexity
  • Forecast down to units of work on every case, and optimize planning for transfers, escalations, and more

Rely on smart customization for optimal planning

Customer-centric businesses don’t just set and forget their forecast, especially as the world around us changes. Assembled’s intelligent forecasting experience includes helpful automation as well as intuitive ways to make manual adjustments.

  • Mix and match your forecasts with our out of the box models
  • Outlier detection and removal suggestions
  • Manual adjustments to prepare for upcoming events
  • 15, 30, and 60 min forecasting and staffing intervals
  • Historical arrival patterns auto-applied to forecasts
  • Configure based on dynamic interval-level average handle time to make Erlang-C inputs more precise
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Reimagine how you staff for email support

Thanks to Assembled, your email SLA now accounts for existing and forecasted backlog and business hours. Take it one step further by visualizing your historical backlog and see how it might change in the future.

  • Visibility into historical and predicted backlog
  • Staffing simulations based on different SLAs, target response times, and email productivity levels
  • Enhanced SLA calculations that account for backlog and business hours

Translate requirements to your staffing plan

These numbers are only as good as your ability to action on them. In three clicks or less, you’ll get a clear picture of staffing requirements by channel, which directly informs your short-term scheduling and your longer-term headcount strategy, especially when you’re asked: “Do you really need to hire another 5 agents?”

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Why forecast with Assembled

Improving the accuracy of your forecast, even marginally, has deep implications on your organization’s cost-effectiveness and productivity. Here's how Assembled gets it right.

Data accuracy

Our data-first approach gathers all your WFM under one roof so you can easily access the insights that matter most.

Cost savings

Getting forecasts wrong is costly. Our out-of-the-box-forecasting keeps headcount low and productivity high.

Improved efficiency

Our configurable forecasts, optimizations, and keyboard shortcuts will cut time spent forecasting and scheduling in half.

See us in action.

Want to know how Assembled can help your team rise to the occasion? Set up time with us to learn more!

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