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Introducing Event Optimizations, aka magic scheduling

Introducing Event Optimizations, aka magic scheduling

Jason Ma

Scheduling agents in fast-growing environments means dealing with ongoing complexity, juggling multiple requirements, and battling inefficiencies at every turn. In essence, it's a recurring nightmare for every well-intentioned support manager. Today's launch is for them, and it is all about giving them some much-needed time back in the pursuit of creating 🥁 🥁🥁 the optimal schedule.

Oh, and if there's ever a way to make scheduling easier, you can count on us to find it.

Automations? More like Automagic!

Scheduling is an already time-consuming process, but it becomes even more painful as your team grows. (But you already knew that, didn't you?) This is especially true when it comes to building in non-productive events, like lunches and breaks, and making sure they're scheduled in a way that doesn't negatively impact net staffing requirements. Like we said: painful.

Without further ado, let us introduce the ultimate antidote: Event Optimizations!  As the name implies, Event Optimizations enable you to automatically fill in these events (lunches 🥪, breaks 😴, project time 📝, meetings 🗓️, etc) based on a set of rules you've established.

Let's put this in context of an example. Susie is the shift lead at her company, and needs to build in lunches, breaks, and project time into the schedules of over 150 agents. With Event Optimizations, she's able to first set her rules: 1) length of lunches and breaks, 2) relative placement of these events, and 3) other events to optimize around (like meetings from Google Calendar), and then after one click*, boom! Lunches and breaks are placed within each agent's schedule without any manual entry. The best part? These events are placed in a way that takes into account staffing requirements (based on your forecasts), so your schedule is SLA-optimized every time!

*Side-note: is it just us, or do you hate when "one-click" actually means 15? C'mon!

Use it once, or use it all the time

Event Optimizations were designed to be dynamic, which means you can leverage it when first building schedules, or as frequently as you need after schedules have been created. One beta customer even re-runs Event Optimizations on a daily basis to account for any new meetings or outside events that have been scheduled.

Efficiency, with a side of algorithms

Though most magicians don't let you in on their process, we think it's important that you understand how Event Optimizations work so that you can trust its output. Our made-in-house specialized algorithm borrows from chess players and AI to reach maximum scheduling efficiency. Behind the scenes, this algorithm tries out millions of potential options, far more than any of us could ever do manually, to find the best placement for your events. It'll even stagger the placement of these events so your agents aren't all out at the same time! The cherry on top? Our team includes some of Stripe's first machine learning engineers working on fraud detection, so we're leveraging that knowledge to help you build not just any schedule, but the Optimized Schedule™️.

Team leads and support managers will love Event Optimizations for the priceless gift of time, efficiency, and accuracy.  Automations like this take the unnecessarily manual work out of the picture, all while using algorithmic precision to get schedules right. What's more, Event Optimizations makes it even easier for agents to have guaranteed project or 1:1 time, which is critical for their motivation and overall career development. In our book, that's a win-win-win. You win, agents win, and heck, so do we!

Hungry for more?

  • See Event Optimizations in action here.
  • Sign up for a live demo and Q&A with our product team here.
  • Read up on our detailed Support documentation here.